Pride Programming

Rice PRIDE Gayme Night

January 29 at 7:00 PM | Queer Resource Center

This week, we will be having a game night with board games and snacks! Take a break from studying and enjoy the night in the MCC.

Discussion Event: Gender-Inclusive Bathrooms

January 27 at 7:00 PM | Queer Resource Center

We will have a discussion about gender-inclusive bathrooms on campus. In the past few years, there has been significant work done to ensure that each residential college has a gender-inclusive bathroom. We want to continue this work and ensure each college is inclusive to everyone along the gender spectrum.

Black HIV and AIDS Awareness

February 5 at 5:30pm | Rice Multicultural Center

Sponsor: Rice PRIDE and Black Student Association

Black Love: Its Diversities and Difficulties will be an event dedicated to National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, which is on February 7. This will be a lecture-discussion about understanding black culture surrounding the idea of love and sexual health, and we will be discussing the importance of love and respect in relationships in order to protect and support ourselves and others. This will also have a training component by looking at the stigmas surrounding Black romance and HIV/AIDS and learning how to best support those diagnosed with HIV.

Queer Love Stories

February 19 at 7:00pm | Queer Resource Center

Sponsor: Rice PRIDE

Similar to our Coming Out Candlelight last semester, Rice PRIDE is opening the QRC the week after Valentine’s Day for anyone to come share their own love stories. We want to make it apparent that these stories do not need to be romantic! This event will be a celebration of love in all of its forms: platonic, familial, romantic, and others. There will be comfort snacks and other drinks provided.

Rice Pride Week

April 13-18 | Rice University

Sponsor: Rice PRIDE and Campus Partners

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rice PRIDE was not able to host any programs during Pride Week. A schedule of proposed events is below. We look forward to engaging with different offerings in the future.