Nuestras Raíces
The Latinx New Student Experience

In Partnership with

Logo for HACER with the letters spelled out and a sun image as the letter C. Rice University is spelled out underneath the logo.

To the Incoming Class

Nuestras Raíces is an interactive retreat experience that seeks to create a unifying event for recently admitted Latinx students. This free retreat introduces entering first-year students to the unifying aspects of the Latinx community at Rice. The program identifies essential resources and networks to help students reach their maximum potential. By the end, participants should feel more connected as a class. We hope they leave feeling empowered to seek institutional support, peers, and professionals on campus for mentorship and guidance.

A message from the MCC staff

Rice’s distinctive commitment to holistic undergraduate education and experience reaches far beyond the classroom. With this, our office believes in forging strong mentoring relationships that promote open communication, meaningful connections, and academic success. We are here to guide you through your undergraduate experience, socially and academically. As you embark upon the life-changing experience that is college, consider this … it is through our affirmation of one another that we become better individuals with a higher capacity to impact the world around us. Join us in building community at In Nuestras Raíces!

2021 Nuestras Raices Participants
2021 Nuestras Raices Participants