In Living Color is a free retreat that occurs shortly after the Fall semester starts and is open to incoming new students. During the retreat, you will be introduced to the unifying aspects of the Black community at Rice at large, and identify essential resources and networks that exist to help you reach your maximum potential! “Inside the hedges,” as the Rice campus is affectionately known, your opportunities to learn and grow are unlimited.
As a result of attending this retreat, you will be more equipped to seek out institutional support and be connected with your peers and professionals on campus for mentorship and guidance.
A message from the MCC staff:
Rice’s distinctive commitment to holistic undergraduate education and experience reaches far beyond the classroom. With this, our office believes in forging strong mentoring relationships that promote open communication, meaningful connections, and academic success. We are here to guide you through your undergraduate experience, socially and academically. As you embark upon the life-changing experience that is college, consider this … it is through our affirmation of one another that we become better individuals with a higher capacity to impact the world around us. Join us in building community at In Living Color!
Are you still not convinced? Here's what Kaelyn Mack, former student director had to say about the program.
"Let me tell you about my initial hesitation in attending... Like some of you, I’m sure, I thought, “I don’t need this! I ain’t going!” Well, my father thought otherwise, and I’m so glad he did. [The event] was nothing like I thought it would be; it was so much better than I ever could have imagined. [It] ended up being more than the “sleepover” I had deemed it but was the foundation for Rice family, friends, and so much fun! I can honestly say nothing compares to the connections and advice I got at [the event]. So think again! You do not want to miss out on this amazing weekend!"

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